Grand River Conservation AuthorityAgenda - General MeetingFriday, April 28, 2023Immediately following the meeting of the Source Protection AuthorityHybrid Meeting of the General MembershipGRCA Administration CentreZoom Virtual Meeting1.Call to Order 2.Certification of Quorum 3.Chair’s Remarks 4.Review of Agenda THAT the agenda for the General Membership Meeting be approved as circulated.5.Declarations of Pecuniary Interest 6.Minutes of the Previous Meetings 1.3. MAR nfh GM Minutes_Mar24_2023.pdfTHAT the minutes of the General Membership Meeting of March 24, 2023 be approved as circulated.7.Business Arising from Previous Minutes 8.Hearing of Delegations 9.Presentations 10.Correspondence THAT Correspondence from Jan W. Jansen and Nicole Doro regarding protecting Ontario wetlands be received as information.a.Jan W. Jansen re: Wetlands Protection 1.4. APR - Jan Jansen re Bill 23_Redacted.pdfb.Nicole Doro re: Wetlands Protection 1.4. APR - Nicole Doro re Bill 23.pdf11.1st and 2nd Reading of By-Laws 12.Reports: a.GM-04-23-38 - General Insurance Renewal - 2023-2024 1.GM-04-23-38 - General Insurance Renewal - 2023-2024.pdf2.GM-04-23-38 - visual summary of coverage 2023 renewal.pdfTHAT Report Number GM-04-23-38 – General Insurance Renewal – 2023-2024 be received as information.b.GM-04-23-34 - Revised Joint GRCA/GRCF Donor Naming Policy 1.GM-04-23-35 - Revised Joint GRCA GRCF Naming Policy.pdf2.GM-04-23-35 - A_nf_2023 GRCAF Naming Policy.pdf3.GM-04-23-35 - B 2019 GRCAF Donor Naming Opportunities Policy.pdfTHAT the Grand River Conservation Authority approve the revised Joint GRCA-GRCF Naming Policy.c.GM-04-23-31 - Cash and Investment Status 1.GM-04-23-31 - Cash and Investment Status - March Report.pdf2.GM-04-23-31 - att Cash and Investment Status - March.pdfTHAT Report Number GM-04-23-31 Cash and Investment Status – March 2023 be received as information.d.GM-04-23-39 - Financial Summary 1.GM-04-28-39 - Financial Summary to March 31 2023.pdf2.GM-04-28-39 - A Financial Statement.pdf3.GM-04-28-39 - B Financial Summary - Forecast.pdfTHAT the Financial Summary for the period ending March 31, 2023 be approved.e.GM-04-23-34 - Provincial Offences Act Officer Designation - Section 29 (Conservation Areas) 1.GM-04-23-34 - POA Officer Designation s29.pdfTHAT the Grand River Conservation Authority appoint Rhonda Card and Avery Jenks as Provincial Offences Act Officers to enforce Section 29 of the Conservation Authorities Act.f.GM-04-23-37 - Provincial Offences Act Officer Designations - Section 28 (Planning Services) 1.GM-04-23-37 - POA Officer Designation s28.pdfTHAT the Grand River Conservation Authority appoint Nicholas Stasiak and Tyler Slaght as Provincial Offences Officers to enforce Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. g.GM-04-23-32 - Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines Regulation (Quarterly Permits) 1.GM-04-23-32 - Quarterly Permits.pdfTHAT Report Number GM-04-23-32 - Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation be received as information.h.GM-04-23-36 - April 2023 Flood Event 1.GM-04-23-36 - April 2023 Flood Event.pdfTHAT Report Number GM-04-23-36 – April 2023 Flood Event be received as information.i.GM-04-23-33 - Current Watershed Conditions 1.GM-04-23-33 - Current Watershed Conditions.pdfTHAT Report Number GM-04-23-33 – Current Watershed Conditions as of April 15, 2023 be received as information.13.Committee of the Whole 14.General Business 15.3rd Reading of By-Laws 16.Other Business 17.Closed Meeting THAT the General Membership enter a closed meeting in accordance with the Municipal Act section 239(2) for the following purpose(s): proposed or pending acquisition or disposition, security of property, and labour relations or employee negotiations.a.Property Disposition - Township of Mapleton Public Comments: b.Security of Property - Verbal Update Public Comments: c.Labour relations or employee negotiations Attachments | Public Comments1.3. MAR nfh GM Minutes_Mar24_2023.pdfd.Minutes of the previous closed session Public Comments: 18.Next Meeting - May 26, 2023 at 9:30 a.m. 19.Adjourn No Item Selected This item has no attachments1.3. MAR nfh GM Minutes_Mar24_2023.pdf1.4. APR - Jan Jansen re Bill 23_Redacted.pdf1.4. APR - Nicole Doro re Bill 23.pdf1.GM-04-23-31 - Cash and Investment Status - March Report.pdf2.GM-04-23-31 - att Cash and Investment Status - March.pdf1.GM-04-28-39 - Financial Summary to March 31 2023.pdf2.GM-04-28-39 - A Financial Statement.pdf3.GM-04-28-39 - B Financial Summary - Forecast.pdf1.GM-04-23-32 - Quarterly Permits.pdf1.GM-04-23-35 - Revised Joint GRCA GRCF Naming Policy.pdf2.GM-04-23-35 - A_nf_2023 GRCAF Naming Policy.pdf3.GM-04-23-35 - B 2019 GRCAF Donor Naming Opportunities Policy.pdf1.GM-04-23-38 - General Insurance Renewal - 2023-2024.pdf2.GM-04-23-38 - visual summary of coverage 2023 renewal.pdf1.GM-04-23-33 - Current Watershed Conditions.pdf1.GM-04-23-34 - POA Officer Designation s29.pdf1.GM-04-23-37 - POA Officer Designation s28.pdf1.GM-04-23-36 - April 2023 Flood Event.pdf